
Making A Difference

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April 22 is Earth Day, and it’s a good time to think about ways to make an impact in protecting our planet. Get your friends together and pick one (or more) of these ways to spend the Saturday, and hopefully each day after that. Happy Earth Day!

Plant native flowers

Bee populations are in decline, and one of the easiest ways to help the cause is by planting native flowers, or wildflowers. Planting flowers not only contributes in providing food and shelter for wild bees, but native flowers help native bee species. Black-eyed Susans and coneflowers are both native to Ontario and a great place to start helping bees.


Recycle electronics

Looking to do some spring cleaning? Try emptying out that drawer of old cell phones and chargers, and instead of sending all that stuff to a landfill, bring it to one of Recycle My Electronics‘ many drop-off locations. This company is dedicated to recycling your electronic junk, including computers, cameras, cell phones, keyboards, and audio devices. Find out what and where to recycle electronics in your province here.


Invest in a reusable water bottle

Investing in a reusable water bottle not only saves you money in the long run by offsetting the cost of plastic water bottles, but it also reduces waste. Head to your local kitchen supplies store this Earth Day to get one of your own.


Don’t use pesticides while gardening this summer

Another friendly bee tip! One of the biggest causes in the decline of bee populations is the use of pesticides. As the weather gets warmer and you head into your gardens over the next few months, refrain from using pesticides for the sake of our pollinators. There are natural ways to combat pests, including pairing pest repelling plants with other plants. Tip: plant borage with your strawberries to keep the pests away.


Practice turning off the lights

This is a classic. Turning off your lights when leaving the room can make a helluva difference in not only your electrical bills, but energy consumption. Decrease your carbon footprint by remembering to turn off your bedroom light. Not good at remembering? Place a few sticky notes around your house as a reminder.


Eat more plant-based meals

Did you know by cutting down on cattle products, like beef and dairy, you can positively impact the environment? Forests are being destroyed in order to clear room to graze cattle and grow food to feed cattle, not to mention the carbon that is released into the atmosphere when forests are destroyed and from carbon-heavy meat production.


Watch Planet Earth 2

Planet Earth 2 is officially out on DVD. What better way to spend Earth Day than by binging on one of the most beautiful series out there? Learn about our planet through the narration of David Attenborough and feel inspired to help save our precious planet.


Arrange a carpool system with a friend or ride a bike

Reduce carbon emissions and also save money on gas by arranging a carpool to work with friends. Or, get your exercise in while also living more sustainably by riding a bike (don’t forget to wear a helmet).


Use reusable grocery bags

Reusable grocery bags are good for so many things. Who says your reusable bags can only be used for carrying groceries? The challenge here is getting into the habit of taking your bags to the store, but once you’re in it, you’ve successfully joined the path to reducing waste.


Buy local produce and honey

Buying local produce and honey supports your local farmers and beekeepers. With the warm weather coming in fast, there won’t be a shortage of farmer’s markets this summer. Find one that’s closest to you, and get into the habit of supporting your local heroes.



Reduce, reuse, recycle! Recycling is one of the easiest ways to help the environment, and it’s not limited to what you throw in your blue bin. Recycle clothing and household items by buying second-hand! Buying used means less gets thrown in landfills and less pollution is produced through manufacturing new items. It also saves your wallet! Win-win.


Get out in nature

Explore nature either together as a family activity or alone for some needed solitary time. Going for a hike and taking in the beauty of our natural surroundings is a great way to connect and foster a deeper appreciation of nature.


We are the Electronic Products Recycling Association – an industry-led, not-for-profit organization that operates regulated recycling programs across Canada. We ensure that end-of-life electronics are handled in a safe, secure and environmentally-sound manner.

About EPRA

The future is in your hands. Don't let it go to waste.™

This program is approved by Recycle NB.

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