
Approved Reuse Organizations

Do you have electronic products still in working order and want to give them a second life?

See below to find out which products are accepted as well as the list (by region) of reuse organizations approved by the Recycler Qualification Office (RQO) and recognized by EPRA-Québec. For more information, contact one of these organizations directly.

Accepted Products

Note: Other electronic products could be accepted by some reuse organizations. For more information, please contact the organization directly.


    Minimum quantity: 15

    Products accepted:

    • Desktop and portable computers (with DUAL CORE processor or higher)
    • Servers
    • LCD screens
    • Laser printers
    • Computer tablets
    • Cell phones

Reuse Organizations by Region

Note: Regions are indicated or information purposes only. Organizations with an asterisk (*) cover a larger territory.